Tuesday, March 8, 2011

'Tis a Pity She's A Blog! 3

You can see here a contemporary staging in period dress... This is the scene where Giovanni confesses his love to Annabella. 

Annabella . On my knees, [She kneels.
Brother, even by our mother’s dust, I charge you,
Do not betray me to your mirth or hate;
Love me, or kill me, brother.
Giovanni . On my knees, [He kneels.
Sister, even by my mother’s dust I charge you,
Do not betray me to your mirth or hate;
Love me, or kill me, sister.
Annabella . You mean good sooth, then?
Giovanni . In good troth, I do;
And so do you, I hope: say, I’m in earnest.
Annabella . I’ll swear it, I.17
Giovanni . And I; and by this kiss, [Kisses her.
(Once more, yet once more; now let’s rise) [they rise] by this,
I would not change this minute for Elysium.
What must we now do ?
Annabella . What you will.
Giovanni . Come then;
After so many tears as we have wept,
Let’s learn to court in smiles, to kiss, and sleep.

"Tis a Pity Shes a Whore Image by Cjonesang on Photobucket."
Web. 08 Mar. 2011. <http://media.photobucket.com/image/Tis a pity shes a whore/cjonesang/Whore1.jpg>.

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