Monday, December 6, 2010

Dramaturgy 1a

I've decided to tackle one section of the York Cycle plays. The section I'll be working on is; The Cardmakers' Play: The Creation of Adam and Eve. This is the third play in the York Cycle. According to Oxford Reference Online, a Cycle (as referring to performing and other art) is A group of works that either share a common theme or subject, or are linked together as a sequence.the mystery plays of the Middle Ages that were performed as a sequence during the same festival at a particular place are referred to as the York Cycle, the Chester Cycle. The name of the cycle is from the city where they were originally based. 

"cycle"  The Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms. Chris Baldick. Oxford University Press, 2008. Oxford Reference Online. Oxford University Press.  Central Washington University.  6 December 2010  <>

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