Monday, November 1, 2010

Dramaturgy Ten

This shows another way the production can be taken. Amping up the military aspect of the show, the ramps show the separation of classes while the color choices bring forward ideas of totalitarianism governments.

Dramaturgy Nine

Antigone itself has influenced other arts as well. There are several notable operas by Hasse (1743), Gluck (1756), Zingarelli (1790), Honegger (1927) and Orff (1949). (ORO, Antigone)
There was a one act Ballet with choreography by Cranko, this premiered in 1959 by the Royal Ballet in london. Other Antigone ballets; Gioia (Venice, 1790), G. Galzerani (Milan, 1825). (ORO, Antigone)

We can see the lasting influence of the story through out history and how it has affected other art forms. This again allows us to expand our view of the script and story and make the most effective show/story we can present.

Antigone"  The Oxford Dictionary of Dance. by Debra Craine and Judith Mackrell. Oxford University Press Inc. Oxford Reference Online. Oxford University Press.  Central Washington University.  1 November 2010  <>

"Antigone"  The Oxford Companion to Music. Ed. Alison Latham. Oxford University Press, 2002. Oxford Reference Online. Oxford University Press.  Central Washington University.  1 November 2010  <>

Dramaturgy Eight

Richard Claverhouse Jebb, was born 27th August 1841 in Dundee, Scotland. He received his education from Charterhouse School and at Trinity College, Cambridge. (Wikipedia)
In his professional life he was a Regius Professor of Greek and Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, was one of the foremost classicists of the Victorian era.
His editions of Sophocles plays appeared in the last fifteen years of the nineteenth century. They are distinguished by the sensitivity of Jebb's literary and dramatic interpretations, and the neat translation facing the Greek text. They have had a profound influence on subsequent Sophoclean scholarship. (Book Christian)
He is considered the unsurpassed translator into or from classical languages.
A short list of his works (via Wikipedia):
-The Characters of Theophrastus (1870), (text, introduction, English translation and commentary)
-The Attic Orators from Antiphon to Isaeus (2nd ed., I893)
-Sophocles (3rd ed., 1893) (the seven plays, text, English translation and notes, future edition including the fragments was prevented by his death)
-Homer (3rd ed., 1888), (an introduction to the Iliad and Odyssey)

The reason we’re using Jebb’s translation is because he is considered to have the most complete translation. He also grasps the language in a way that reads better for actors and it communicates the ideas of the political struggle stronger then other editions/translations.

Jeb, Richard Claverhouse in Venn, J. & J. A., Alumni Cantabrigienses, Cambridge University Press, 10 vols, 1922–1958.

R. C. Jebb: R. C. Jebb Biography, Products, Reviews -" BooksChristian - Christian Books, Bibles, Bible Study, Christian Music, Hymnals, Christian Videos. Web. 31 Oct. 2010. <>.

Dramaturgy Seven

Both of these images show the bleakness and desperation that Antigone is suffering at the beginning of the show, just wanting a simple burial for her brother. Going so far as to break the respectful burial down to a few grains of sand on top of his body before the beasts get to him.

Dramaturgy Six

This video shows that the ideas in Antigone, standing up for what you believe in even if it is against family/the state/media, still hold true. It shows that the ideas are universal, they have passed through ages and various forms of art. From social and political commentary in greece, to angst ridden teens pushing the limits in music.

Please note there is some rough language used.